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Training of SKTNP Barang dan Jasa, Indepth Study SEEA, and SKNP 2018
March 5, 2018 | BPS Activities
at Hotel Menumbing Heritage Pangkalpinang, BPS of Bangka Belitung
Province conducts training of SKTNP Barang dan Jasa, Indepth Study of
SEEA and SKNP 2018 which held by Sector of Regional and Statistical
Analysis Balance. This training aims to improve the capacity of
employees and common understanding especially for the sector/section of
nerwilis on survey which will be implemented so that the resultant data
can be more qualified.
Then what is SEEA?
SEEA stands for System of Enviromental-Economic Accounting. In Bahasa, it can be interpreted as a Sistem Neraca Ekonomi-Lingkungan.
In general, the SEEA is a system of environmental and economic
organization that includes inventories and flows related to
environmental analysis and economic issues. The SEEA brings together
information on water, minerals, energy, timber, fish, soil, land and
ecosystems, pollution and waste, production, consumption and
accumulation in a single measure. Each of these areas has specific and
detailed accounting concepts that are then incorporated into the SEEA
framework to produce a comprehensive analysis.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bangka Selatan (BPS-Statistics of Bangka Selatan Regency)Komplek Perkantoran Pemkab Bangka Selatan