Training of PMTB Disagregation Enumeration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangka Selatan Regency

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Training of PMTB Disagregation Enumeration

Training of PMTB Disagregation Enumeration

March 12, 2018 | BPS Activities

Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) is the expenditure for capital goods that have a usage life of more than one year and not consumer goods. PMTB includes residential and non-residential buildings, other buildings such as roads and airports, and machinery and equipment. Capital expenditures for military purposes are not covered in these details but are classified as government consumption. The Disaggregation Survey of PMTB aims to obtain an overview of PMTB in Indonesia by type of capital goods, business and institutional sectors, as well as improving the quality of other national balance sheet data related to investment.

To that end, This survey officers intensively supplied through training conducted for 4 (four) days. Through this training, the officers are expected to more understand the concepts, definitions, and questionnaires that will be used for the enumeration so that the results data will be more qualified.
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