Discussion of Results and Evaluation of Implementation of 2018 and SOUH SUTAS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangka Selatan Regency

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Discussion of Results and Evaluation of Implementation of 2018 and SOUH SUTAS

Discussion of Results and Evaluation of Implementation of 2018 and SOUH SUTAS

November 13, 2018 | Other Activities

In order to continue to improve the quality of Indonesia's food statistics, the Central Bureau of Statistics held a discussion on Results and Evaluation of the Implementation of the 2018 SUTAS and Discussion Workshop on SOUH 2018 Processing Results (13/11) at BW Suite Tanjungpandan Hotel.
"If we do not have accurate data that becomes the basis for development planning, we will be weak and BPS has conducted data collection activities to produce quality data," said Deputy Governor of Prov. Kep. Bangka Belitung Abdul Fatah was present at the opening of the event. He also added that BPS must be able to capture new phenomena that are in accordance with portraits and conditions in the field.
The workshop was also attended by BPS officials, such as the Head of the BPS Province of Kep. Bangka Belitung and Republic of Indonesia BPS II Echelon officials. "Improvement of food statistics is set to be one of the activities in the national priority," said Deputy of BPS Methodology and Information Statistics, M. Ari Nugraha, who emphasized the importance of this workshop.
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