Candidate Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers in February 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangka Selatan Regency

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Candidate Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers in February 2019

Candidate Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers in February 2019

January 28, 2019 | BPS Activities

Candidate Training for National Labor Force Survey Officers in February 2019 Monday, January 28, 2019, held at the BPS Meeting Room in South Bangka Regency, training of BPS-Statistics Indonesia (SAKERNAS) Survey staff in the first semester of 2019 in South Bangka Regency was officially opened. Officer training was officially opened by the Head of BPS of South Bangka Regency represented by the Head of Administration Subdivision, Siti Meutia Aisyah, S.Si. Training is scheduled to be held for 3 days, 28-29 January 2019.

The purpose of data collection through SAKERNAS is to provide basic employment data that is sustainable, and specifically to estimate data on the number of working people, the number of unemployed, and other employment indicators and their development at the district, provincial and national levels. In addition, the Head of the Provincial Statistics Social Affairs Division The Bangka Belitung Islands appealed to the officials so that the data collection would be carried out in accordance with the existing Operating Standards.

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