August 2019, Tanjungpandan Deflation 0.35%, CPI 146.95 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangka Selatan Regency

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August 2019, Tanjungpandan Deflation 0.35%, CPI 146.95

August 2019, Tanjungpandan Deflation 0.35%, CPI 146.95Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 2, 2019
File Size : 0.68 MB


  • In August 2019 Tanjungpandan City experienced a deflation of 0.35 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 146.95.
  • Deflation occurred due to falling prices as indicated by the decline in the three indexes of the expenditure group namely the foodstuffs group by 0.51 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.18 percent; and the transportation, communication and financial services group at 4.29 percent. Meanwhile, three other expenditure groups experienced inflation, namely the clothing group by 0.42 percent; the health group by 0.17 percent and the recreational and sports education group by 5.62 percent. Whereas the processed food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco group is relatively stable.
  • The August 2019 calendar year inflation rate is 2.51 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (August 2019 against August 2018) is 2.43 percent.
  • The core component in August 2019 experienced inflation of 0.57 percent; the volatile component experienced deflation of 0.77 percent; and the government-regulated component experienced deflation of 2.89 percent.
  • Out of 82 CPI cities, 44 cities experienced inflation and 38 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation occurred in Kudus City of 0.82 percent with CPI of 144.56 and the lowest occurred in Pare-Pare City of 0.04 percent with CPI of 132.02. While the highest deflation occurred in Bau-Bau City of 2.10 percent with CPI of 136.38 and the lowest in Tegal City of 0.02 percent with CPI of 134.22.
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