August 2019, Guest Visit to Bangka Belitung Reaches 34,972 Visits - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bangka Selatan Regency

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August 2019, Guest Visit to Bangka Belitung Reaches 34,972 Visits

August 2019, Guest Visit to Bangka Belitung Reaches 34,972 VisitsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : October 1, 2019
File Size : 1.06 MB


  • The number of guests staying at star-rated hotels in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in August 2019 was 34,972. This number decreased by 7.94 percent compared to the number of guests in the previous month which was 37,989 people. The number of domestic guests decreased by 8.33 percent, while the number of foreign guests rose by 13.78 percent.
  • Room Classification Rates (TPK) for star classification hotels in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in August 2019 reached an average of 34.13 percent, down 0.63 points compared to the TPK in July 2019 which was recorded at 34.76 percent.
  • The highest ROR for star-rated hotels by regency / city in August 2019 was in Pangkalpinang City by 38.41 percent, followed by Central Bangka Regency (38.30 percent), Regency in Belitung Island (34.87 percent), and Bangka Regency (15, 92 percent).
  • In August 2019, the average overall total length of stay of guests at star classification hotels was 1.77 days, a decrease of 0.05 days compared to the previous month. During August 2019, the average length of stay of foreign guests (2.84 days) was 1.10 days longer than Indonesian guests (1.74 days).
  • The number of inter-island sea transport passengers departing from the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in August 2019 was 16.22 thousand people, down 23.87 percent compared to July 2019 which reached 21.31 thousand people. When compared with the same period in the previous year (January-August 2018), the number of departing passengers rose by 37.95 percent.
  • The number of inter-island sea transportation passengers arriving in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province in August 2019 was recorded at 15.97 thousand people. The number decreased by 29.49 percent compared to the previous month. When compared to the same period last year (January-August 2018), the flow of incoming passengers has increased by 24.09 percent.
  • The volume of goods loaded at the port in August 2019 was 532.18 thousand tons, a decrease of 18.16 percent compared to July 2019 which reached 650.31 thousand tons.
  • The volume of goods unloaded during August 2019 was 216.48 thousand tons, an increase of 4.16 percent compared to the previous month which reached 207.84 thousand tons.
  • The number of air transport passengers departing from the Bangka Belitung Islands in August 2019 was recorded at 96.32 thousand people, an increase of 0.92 percent compared to the previous month.
  • The number of passengers coming to the Bangka Belitung Islands using air transportation in August 2019 was 97.19 thousand people, a decrease of 12.82 percent compared with the previous month.
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